Progress Architecture will be present at Architect@Work Warsaw!
Progress Architecture will take part in the next edition of Architect@Work, which will take place in Warsaw on 30-31.05.2023 at EXPO XXI! During the event, Progress Architecture will occupy stand number 71, where it will present its new finishes and installation techniques.
Architect@Work is a trade fair for architects and interior designers, during which new innovations, selected by a special judging panel of experienced professionals, will be presented.
Całemu wydarzeniu towarzyszyć będą inspirujące wystawy fotograficzne i materiałów, oraz tematyczne seminaria, prowadzone przez wiodących architektów z ważniejszych polskich biur projektowych takich jak: JEMS Architekci, APA Wojciechowski Architekci, Xystudio, Architecture Snob, BAJERSOKÓŁ team, WXCA czy RS Studio.
Receive your free entry to the event here.